This all started with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama.
Letter and Judgement we received for a $110.00 bill from Eastlakeland OBGYN in Jackson,Mississippi.
The judgement was in the Rankin County Justice Court in Brandon, Mississippi.
Franklin Collection Service in Jackson, Mississippi.
Mitchell McNutt & Sams in Tupelo, Mississippi.
Please read the letter, this will show you how our court, medical and collection systems work in this country.
Now the question is how much did all these people spend to collect $110.00?
We paid the $110.00 to keep it out of court before the court date.
Mitchell McNutt & Sams is so greedy they received a judgement anyway.
Also a copy of this letter will be sent to Washington DC for the on going healthcare debate.
Send us feedback if you’ve been screwed by the system.